Urusei Yatsura is a classic Japanese manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi that first aired in 1981. The story follows the misadventures of Ataru Moroboshi, a luckless high school student who becomes engaged to an alien princess named Lum after accidentally inviting her to stay with him on Earth. The series quickly gained popularity for its unique blend of science fiction, romance, and comedy.
For fans of Urusei Yatsura, collecting official merchandise has become a beloved pastime. From action figures to clothing to home decor items, there is no shortage of products available for fans to add to their collections. However, some items are considered rare and highly sought after by collectors due to their limited availability or unique design.
One such item is the Lum-chan Soft Vinyl Figure released in 1983 by Bandai. This figure features Lum in her iconic tiger-striped bikini and electric powers pose. Due to its age and limited production run, this figure has become a prized possession among Urusei Yatsura store collectors. Its vibrant colors and detailed sculpting make it a standout piece in any collection.
Another rare find for collectors is the Urusei Yatsura Original Soundtrack LP Box Set released in 1982 by Kitty Records. This box set includes four vinyl records featuring music from the anime series composed by Kazuo Otani. The records are housed in a beautifully illustrated box designed by Takahashi herself. With only a limited number of these box sets produced, they have become highly coveted among fans who appreciate both the music and artwork of Urusei Yatsura.
In addition to physical merchandise, there are also rare promotional items that were given out exclusively at events or through special promotions. One such item is the Lum-chan UFO Catcher Prize Plush released in 2019 at select arcades in Japan. This plush features Lum dressed in traditional Japanese attire holding a daruma doll – a symbol of good luck and perseverance. Collectors who were lucky enough to win this plush prize have added it as a centerpiece to their Urusei Yatsura collection.
Overall, collecting rare Urusei Yatsura official merchandise requires dedication, patience, and sometimes even luck. Whether you’re searching for vintage figures or exclusive promotional items, each piece adds depth and character to your collection while showcasing your love for this timeless series created by Rumiko Takahashi.
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